A Sketch Of Lord Buddha's Life

by 11:48 PM
Conception Twelve years after the marriage of the ruler of Kaplivastu, Suddhodhana to Mayadevi, the future Buddha was conceived. This auspicious event is depicted in all art forms as a dream Mayadevi had in which an elephant with six tusks entered her womb. The archaeological remains of Tilarakot, which was the fortified capital of Kapilvastu, was the seat of power for the ruler Suddhodhana. Tilaurakot is 28 km west of Lumbini near Taulihawa- the present day headquarters of Kapilvastu district. Birth at Lumbini

Transcendental Meditation

by 10:16 PM
Transcendental Meditation: A Quick Overview From Our times. we are witness to the scientific expansion of man's mind and extension of his physical presence to new realms from the atomic nucleus to the moon, planets and stars. Science has enable man to expand his influence in outward directions and given him command over certain laws of nature. But within himself, man and society based with problems resulting from continual mistakes and continue to suffer. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has formulates a new science which

Achieving Higher Awareness and Becoming More Present

by 8:32 PM
Achieving higher awareness  Higher awareness gives us better ability to understand our experiences and why many events are happening to us. We can always look and try to understand things from higher and higher perspective. We can always improve our understanding how it fits into the bigger picture. And how the bigger picture fits into an even bigger picture. The more we raise our awareness, the bigger and clearer picture we can see. Because everything is ultimately connected with everything, there is no

Controlling Stress

by 12:34 AM
Introduction to Stress Stress is a situation where our mind and body believe that it has to be in the state of alert all the time. It recognizes stress as a normal situation. This results in alteration in attention, thought processes, body functions and structures (organs of our body) resulting in various physiological and psychological conditions.Stress gets in the way of the true expression of your ideal self. Stress is also associated with ill health, weakened immune systems, and low physical functioning.  Think

Creating Healthy Relationship

by 12:18 AM
Introduction to Healthy Relationship A relationship is something that has a life. If it is to grow and blossom, a relationship must be fed and nurtured with wholesome energy. This energy comes from knowing who you are, knowing what’s really important, knowing what your values are. Basically, a relationship is a connection between two or more people. In our lives, we have many different kinds of relationships with our family, our friends, our teachers and our neighbors. A healthy relationship can be influenced

Developing Creativity and Solving Problem

by 12:09 AM
Creativity and Universal Intelligence All people are creative. The more we expand our understanding of creativity, the more we are able to find creative solutions to real-world problems. Creativity is linked to change. Creativity is opening your mind to new ways of being. You can find creative new ways of being by releasing old patterns from the past and consciously choosing new patterns that are a full representation of who and what you want to be. Universal Intelligence You are creative whenever you

Transforming Negative Habits

by 11:58 PM
Human Habit Pattern Human beings are creatures of habit. This is not inherently bad. Good habits, in fact, are deeply desirable. You can get into the good habit of meditating daily, of nurturing your relationships, of listening to your body, and of choosing good mentors. A habit is simply a strongly-reinforced pattern of thinking, acting, or believing. Transforming negative habits requires a reversal and redirection of your energy so that old, negative ways of thinking and living are replaced by new, healthier habits
